Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This day is very difficult for me, but at the same time exciting. My wife is 5 months pregnant with our first child, so it's her first Mother's day. I kept joking with her that it didn't count so I could end up suprising her with gifts and cards from myself, our new child, and even our dog, Buddy. I am proud of her and I know she will make a great mother.

On the other hand, my mother passed away 2 years ago on a mission trip to Haiti. She died of an aneurysm while she was taking a medical team to a group of hurting people. She was only 50 years old. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her smile and warmth. She had 4 children in the US, but thousands more in the country of Haiti. She was my rock in the midst of my somewhat troublesome teenage years. I can't thank God enough for the life she led, the comfort she provided me, and the love she shared with myself and countless thousand others.

So, if you have a mother, stepmother, or grandmother, thank them for their sacrifice. I'm starting to see what they went through to bring you into this world. Cherish every moment you have with your mother, you'll wish you had when they're gone.

Larry Ralph


Sam said...


Anonymous said...

Happy to hear about your first child and sorry to hear about your mom.

It is true, cherish the moments because if you don't you'll miss them when there gone.